Transition to St Johns

Helping new students make the change from kindergarten to school is very important to us.

In order to facilitate this process we offer a Transition Program for students beginning in Reception. It not only helps children get ready for school but also helps our school get ready for our new children.

The St Johns Transition Program is staffed by a qualified teacher and an Education Support Officer (ESO). The program is uniquely designed to enhance the learning environment for our youngest learners.

Places are offered to children who have been accepted for enrolment at St John the Apostle School in Term 1 the following year.

What your child will learn

The program is uniquely designed to enhance the learning environment for our youngest learners and teach them about:

  • School routines. Your child will learn about library books, safe play in the playground, the safe use of toilets and knowing our staff.
  • An atmosphere where they feel respected and loved. They will learn about their own self-worth and how to respect others.
  • Independence. They will learn about following instructions, completing tasks and feeling safe in familiar school grounds.
  • Develop effective communication and social skills. They will learn about getting along with others, problem solving and decision making.
  • Listening and speaking skills - eye contact, paying attention to others and the right way to ask questions and share ideas.
  • Exploring, inventing, discovering, questioning and experimenting.
  • Motor skills - whether that's the fine motor co-ordination of cutting, drawing and tracing or the gross motor skills of ball games, jumping, climbing and balancing.