News & Events


From the Principal


Dear Families and Friends,

Welcome Back
Welcome to the 2019 school year at St John the Apostle School. We have  had a fantastic start to the academic year with such great excitement and laughter 
filling the air. We are looking forward to working closely with all members of our school community in providing a safe, relevant and rigorous learning experience for all students in our care.
The first weeks of the school year are an exciting time with students and staff 
continuing their journey to learn, to learn more about themselves, to learn more about relationships with others and to deepen their understanding of faith.  All classes have settled into the new school year and credit must go to our hard 
working staff that have been planning and delivering engaging learning programs to ensure successful outcomes for all students.  
 Thank you to everyone who attended the Acquaintance night on Wednesday 6th February.  It was a great opportunity to meet as a parent/ caregiver community and to meet the staff of our wonderful school and enjoy some hospitality.  Thank you to everyone who helped organise the event.  If you were not able to attend please check the family handbook for school administration information. 
This term will be an exciting time full of activities for the children, with Water Safety/ Aquatics for the Year 5/6 students and the Year 6 Canberra Camp, amongst many other activities planned this term. Our school calendar of events is available on our updated website. Please place these important dates in your diary and check the website and Schoolstream App regularly for updates. It is important to work in 
partnership with home and school. Research states that one of the major 
influences on a student’s success in school is parent participation.  Students enjoy and benefit greatly from parents being involved in their schooling.