News & Events

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1/2KL & 1/2MO


We were lucky enough to explore deeper into space with a visit from sky watch who brought a huge dome to our school so we could view the constellations and our wonderful solar system.

With time always being so precious in all our lives, we have discovered how to read an analogue clock, design a calendar to track time, seasons and our birthdays as well as using a calendar to recognise changes in months.

Our skip counting skills show confidence and we can do this in a variety of ways to show our skills. We particularly love sharing these with each other.

Moving into fractions we have designed pizzas to show our understandings of whole, half and quarters, decorating with toppings.


We have discovered how to keep our bodies healthy and ways we can use our local environment to create fun ways to be active. We particularly loved building our own obstacle courses and adventuring to try different activities. Nature play day was another highlight of our term where we adventured outside for the day to marvel in all things outdoor education. We discussed our safety networks, including all the people we can talk to about keeping safe and living a happy, healthy life.

In religion, we continue to focus on respectful prayer and attending chapel to pray, participate in mass and show gratitude to God in all his glory. We enjoy taking time each week to reflect on ourselves through the big life journal reflection time. Here we learn about ourselves and all we have to be grateful for.

We have been working hard at developing our sentences with a focus on sound blends and grammar. We work on a new focus each week to build our knowledge of spelling strategies, and our green word sheets have taught us to use own spelling misunderstandings as a starting point for new learning. We have been busy presenting to our class our procedures and our teachers are extra happy about all the effort the students have gone to show their understandings. 

Term three has proven to be a jam packed 10 weeks of learning that reflect our eagerness to learn and develop our understandings through discovery.