News & Events




SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival

On Wednesday 4th September we took our Yr 5-6 students to the SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival held at the Adelaide Touch grounds. The students had been busily training during Phys Ed lessons for the carnival and participated with great determination, showing our St John’s spirit. Our students performed very well on the day and each one of them should be very proud of themselves and their effort. Well done.

School Soccer and Netball

The school Soccer and Netball season for 2019 has ended. I would like to thank all of the families for their support throughout the season, be it coaching, managing, providing oranges or simply just cheering on our St John the Apostle Team. Without the ongoing support of all our families our school sports program would not be the success that it has been. This year we had 85 students participating in soccer and netball. This is an outstanding achievement seeing the size of our school.

A big congratulations goes to Chrissy, Jodie and our Under 11 team who finished 2nd in the league and were presented with medals on Monday night at the NDJSA presentation night. Well done Team!!

Just a reminder. If you have not yet returned you soccer shirt could you, please do so before the school holidays so we can make sure our strips are ready and organised for our next season.

Yours in Sport

Justin Marsh  - (Sports Coordinator)