News & Events


From the APRIM


On Wednesday 26 March, we also celebrated our Ash Wednesday Mass with Father Selva. This was planned as an outdoor Mass on the oval, but unfortunately, we had to move the Mass and entire school into the Year 5/6 learning space due to inclement weather.

Shrove Tuesday was celebrated with the traditional St Johns pancake breakfast. Children were asked to make a gold coin donation and close to $400 was raised for Project Compassion.

Unfortunately, due to Covid – 19 restrictions, we were no longer allowed to celebrate class Masses. Instead, every Tuesday morning, we have been celebrating Outdoor Class Liturgies on the oval.

On the first Tuesday back at school this term, we celebrated two Easter Joy Liturgies, reminding us that Jesus brings us peace and joy.

In Week 2 of Term 2, we celebrated Catholic Education with a Year 1/2 Outdoor Liturgy. The tag line for Catholic Education Week is, ‘Raising Hearts and Minds.’ Every day at St John the Apostle Parish Catholic School, we endeavour to raise the hearts and minds of our students.

During our class Liturgies, we have asked the Lord to keep us under the shadow of his mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. In this time of anxiety, to give us the strength to comfort the fearful, tend to the sick and to assure the isolated of our love.

We will continue to celebrate weekly class Liturgies on Tuesday mornings this term. We look forward to welcoming Fr Josy and families back into our school to celebrate weekly Masses once we have been given permission by the Archdiocese Office for Masses in schools to return.

Family Mass and Commissioning of St. Johns Staff

The Year 3/4 classes (Mrs Maillard, Mrs Clark and Mrs Wheatland) assisted Mr Mulcahy in coordinating this special celebration in our parish on Sunday 9 February.

This mass included a Rite of Commissioning of Staff where the staff of St. John’s publicly committed to serving the parish and school community.

This was an excellent opportunity for myself to meet a number of St Luke’s parishioners.

Caritas – Just Leadership Day

Five of our senior, Year 6 students, Shane, Nelson, Marley, Amelia and Lucas attended the Caritas – Just Leadership day at the Adelaide Diocesan Centre on Wednesday 17 February. This was an opportunity for our students to learn more about people living in poverty around the world and to consider how they respond in both their personal lives and as young leaders within their school community.

St John's successfully win an Adelaide and Mount Lofty NRM Board’s School Environment Grant

Earlier in the year I worked closely with Jeremy Gramp from NRM (Natural Resource Management) to apply for an Adelaide and Mount Lofty NRM Board’s School Environment Grant.

Late last term, we received a phone call to offer us a School Environmental Grant to undertake our project entitled, “St John the Apostle Parish School Biodiversity Frog Pond and Native Garden.” This will be built near the cubby house, in the existing Butterfly Garden.

The financial support for this project is made possible by the NRM Levy paid by all ratepayers within the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Rangers Region.

The next step is to select some Environmental Leaders who will meet with Jeremy Gramp from NRM and myself to start planning the next steps of the project. Very exciting!


Unfortunately, due to COVID -19 restrictions, preparation has to be deferred until further notice. Celebration of Sacrament of Reconciliation DEFERRED by order of Archdiocese Office. Please note that all Masses have been cancelled until further notice through order of the Archdiocese due to protocols surrounding the Coronavirus. The Sacramental Programme, has to be deferred until further notice. We will individually contact parents when we have the all clear from Father Josy and the Archdiocese Office.

I am very excited to be part of the Sacramental journey with our students.

God bless,

Jamie Mulcahy - Acting Assistant Principal Identity and Missions