News & Events

News for 2019


This year we welcome to St Johns the following staff;
Liz Lodge (Centacare Counsellor)
Brendan Harris (IT Support)

Congratulations to Lauren Martinello and her husband as they await the arrival of their first child and to Kylie Van Dyk (nee Taylor) and Pete as they celebrated their wedding during the holidays.  Exciting times ahead for both Lauren and Kylie.

Sadly, I advise that Peter Jak, Janine Jak’s husband passed away late last year.  Pete was a former parent at St. Johns school and will always be fondly remembered by our current and past school community members. Our thoughts and prayers are with Janine and her beautiful family at this difficult time. 

Community Prayers
I ask that you keep Sarah Tamakuni - Keast in your prayers as her husband, Martin is undergoing treatment for cancer.  Sarah will not be working with us, as she takes time to be with her family.

Munch Monitors
As renovations are still taking place at Cardijn College, Munch Monitors is unavailable until approximately Week 4.  Please check SchoolStream for updates regarding this.  If you are able to volunteer to collect lunchs from cardijn College once we’re back up and running, please email Lee-Anne Barnard  at

Volunteer / Police Check
All volunteers at St. Johns require a current Catholic Police Clearance to be
registered at our school site. Please see Lee-Anne B for a volunteer induction pack.

Last Friday, Justin and I attended the Cardijn College Dux assembly.  We are so proud to announce that out of the 28 award recipients for achieving a tertiary admittance score in the top 15% of the nation, seven of these young people are St. Johns old scholars.  We congratulate Olivia Covington, Jessica Benzi, Izak Bruschi, Hanna 
Patterson, Elle Barker, Lauren Woodward & Bradley Baldago for their dedication and hard work to achieve outstanding results.  Their great attitude to learning was evident from the day they walked through our door and has continued to grow thought their schooling - well done!